Application Frameworks

Shamali Dilrukshi
3 min readFeb 26, 2022


What does Application Framework Mean,

That is a software library that provides a basic structure for the building of programs for a certain environment.

Application framework used for web-based development but not used to the graphical user interface. The skeleton for building an application is provided by an application framework. The ambition of creating application frameworks is to reduce the number of difficulties that arise during application development.

S.O.L.I.D Principles

S.O.L.I.D concepts were introduced by Robert C. Martin in his 2000 paper “Design Principles and Design Patterns.” These are popular designing and object-oriented principles that are used to develop software. The S.O.L.I.D principle is encouraging us to create more maintainable, and flexible software.
  1. Single responsibility principle

The single-responsibility concept is a computer programming philosophy that asserts that each module, class, or function in a computer program should be responsible for just one aspect of its operation and should encapsulate that aspect. There should be only one cause for a class to change. lets know important things we have reminder using this principle,

  • A class do only one thing
  • There is just one reason to switch classes.

Single responsibility helps to keep your code perfect.

Advantages using Single responsibility principle

  • Using single principle, it will easy to implement software and it will help to reduce unexpected side effect of future changes
  • Easy to understand


The single responsibility principle is one of the frequently used design patter in object oriented programming. It will apply to classes, software component and micro-services.

if you apply this principle your class is not allowed to aspect to more than one responsibility.

2. open closed principle

Software, object entities (module, class, functions ) should be open to extension but closed modification

that is the general definition of the open-close principle. It means you create the code so that you will be able to add a new function without changing the previous code. Inheritance and polymorphism are commonly used to achieve this. Therefore open-close principle followed the decorator design pattern.

3. liskov substitution principle

liskov substitution principle is a Objects of a super class must be interchangeable with objects of its sub classes without interrupting the application, according to this concept. This necessitates that the objects of your sub classes behave similarly to the objects of your super class.

4. Interface segregation principle

Definition of Interface segregation principle mean interface Clients should not be exposed to methods that they do not require.

5. Dependency inversion principle

Meaning of Dependency inversion principle is “ high level modules should not depend on low level modules but both are should depend on abstractions ”

The notion of dependency inversion is one of the foundations around which most design patterns are built. The connection between distinct classes or modules is discussed in dependency inversion. It focuses on a method in which higher classes rely on the abstraction of lower classes rather than on the lower classes themselves. The dependency inversion’s fundamental philosophy is that higher classes should always rely on the class’s abstraction rather than the details.

Advantage of this principle that enhances our code’s readability and maintainability.



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